As a company, since 1998 we have been manufacturing joinery.
Our advantages:
- Unlike many other companies in the industry and we specialize exclusively
in the production of aluminum products.
- The range of our products are not only the classic windows, doors and facades, we also produce highly specialized joinery - anti - burglary and fireproof.
- We have a certification of conformity of products carried out by the Institute of Precision Mechanics for doors and windows of the fire according to the EN 13501-2 + A1: 2010
- To increase the product quality, we also run a quality management system
ISO 9001 and also Factory Production Control. The ISO 9001 is also subject to an annual audit.
- For the precision of our jonery cares the modern CNC machines system from the Germany machine tool manufacturer ELUMATEC
+48 91 38 26 101
Auto serwis
Projektowanie, produkcja, montaż
Konstrukcje aluminiowe
GOSCO FP spółka z o.o. spółka kom.
Chomino 50, 72-405 Świerzno, POLAND
NIP: 986-023-81-77
Tel. +48-91-38-26-101